A new mini-documentary released about CCSC Urban Labs

Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) releases a new mini-documentary that explores the core component of the CCSC project: Urban Labs and their processes. The film also offers advice to those seeking inspiration to start Urban Lab with key stakeholders in their community.
What are Urban Labs?
CCSC shows that European citizens can be integrated into political decision-making through participatory processes through the creation of ‘Urban Labs’.
Urban Labs gather together cultural organisations, local authorities, cultural and creative spaces to explore urban challenges in collaboration with other stakeholders. Together, they commit to developing innovative solutions.
Learn more: spacesandcities.com/urban-labs/
About the film
In this film, hear from some of the key voices who represent the organisations and institutions that have been responsible for leading and organising the seven CCSC Urban Labs.
Learn from their experiences as they share valuable practical advice on how to set up and manage an Urban Lab. Get an insight into some of their learnings and the challenges they faced. Discover how you can make an impact on public policymaking.