Coboi Urban Lab Workshop 1

The objective of the Coboi Lab workshops is to approach Sant Boi’s citizenship to create a knowledge base of what they represent as a collective. They are interested in exploring their interests, questions, and realities they live in.
About the event
In mid-November 2019, Coboi Lab hosted their first workshop, supported by TimeLab, gathering together 19 key stakeholders to map social innovation organisations, projects, and activities working in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain.
The workshop provided the opportunity to engage many new local organisations and projects that were concern with citizens’ initiatives, commons, and culture.
Following the workshop, Coboi Lab has been assessing how to connect these initiatives to the existing ecosystem of different types of organisations, such as public administration, companies, research centres, and citizens.
As an outcome of the project, we are delighted to have provided a new ground and opportunity to test new models of collaboration and to create dynamics between diverse social actors.
Further information
The Quadruple Helix model puts innovation users at the centre and encourages citizens to drive the innovation process. In line with this approach, new innovative projects are developed with the involvement of users (citizens) who take the lead to co-develop and co-create proposals and solutions.
Objective: the challenges we face are complex, they are interrelated and to develop efficient solutions we need multi-actor collaborations. Collaboration between different actors allows us to develop ideas that can only arise from the combination of several people thinking and working together. The purpose of the workshop was to get a diverse group of citizens together to map common interests, opportunities, and resources to generate social innovation in the territory. The objective is to find synergies and start creating a network of people interested in participating in co-creating Coboi’s multi-stakeholder strategic projects. The purpose of the workshop was to identify common interests, opportunities, and resources to generate social innovation in the territory.
During this workshop, Coboi Lab start exploring the main challenge they face like a lab in the CCSC project: How might we create a network of engaged and empowered citizens to integrate them as co-developers and co-creators in our strategic public innovation projects?
Target public: Active citizenship and Coboi’s residents. Citizens with projects or active initiatives in Baix de Llobregat.
We had participants with projects and initiatives with a focus on technology, art, and creativity, gender equality, health, public innovation, and sustainability.
Methodology: stakeholder, interests, and resources mapping. Generative conversation and active listening.
Coboi lab is a relational space that should empower citizenship acting as a connector and facilitator of relationships and collaborations between actors from different sectors of society (quadruple helix). Participants concluded that the lab is a public tool that can be used to share knowledge, methodologies, and projects. Through the creation of networks and using its physical space, the lab can facilitate collaboration and synergies to create innovation and to support local projects thrive. At the end of the workshop participants proposed three initiatives: (1) to create a network of knowledge to visualize projects and resources that the community could share between itself, (2) Share methodologies used to develop local complex projects (3) create open spaces facilitated by Coboi lab to explore different topics of interests for the local context and the community.