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Hablarenarte Urban Lab Traineeship 1

8 June 2020 - 19 June 2020

Madrid, Spain

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School of Mutual Attention: Laboratory for listening, thinking and acting on cross-borders between education and culture

About the event

Taking place online from 8-19 June 2020, the Schools of Mutual Attention presented a laboratory of hearing, thinking, and acting on cultural participation in education and educational involvement in culture.

What can the cultural community of the educational ecosystem learn? How can we develop such a relationship in a more meaningful, long-lasting, and collaborative way?

Escuela de atención mutua, (School of mutual attention) is a place that was opened for meeting and exchanging knowledge and questions, building new and inventive bridges between the cultural ecosystem and the educational community.

The goal

The school opened itself as an invitation to review our processes from a critical perspective, responding to new demands and challenges in the wake of the current crisis and focusing on children and teenagers. The main goal was to work on an imagination exercise that allowed us to design significant collaboration towards constructing a new culture more sensible of education and a new school format more sensible of culture.

The results

The workshop took place on an exclusive online platform. For 15 days, several cultural agents exchanged ideas and share inputs on such challenges to devise a series of recommendations and concrete proposals. This included:

  • 15 representative agents from both fields, as well as strategic agents working in institutions. To generate a space for debating that, will analyse and problematise the relations between art and school, proposing newly sustainable, significant, and sensible collaboration to the identified needs.
  • The hearing process was put in place for the centre of this activity, meaning it is the catalyst of the care we are looking for, facing the critical setting we currently live in.
  • Once this is complete, hablarenarte will present a publication that will include the materials created during the workshop and a toolkit with recommendations and strategies.

Urban Lab Madrid

Leader: Hablarenarte, Spain

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